Today i want to show you how to increase the perfomance and the speed of your WordPress WooCommerce website with the best setting/tuning for PHP OPCache, in the previous article i have spoken about:

Plesk OPCache enable

In our Plesk when we choose a PHP version on the website configuration, you all have surely seen the section about OPCache Enable = true.

If not, go in the PHP Setting of you domain configuration on Plesk and check:

But how to increase the perfomance of OPCache?

If we have a Server/VPS with almost 4GB of RAM and 2vCPU we can use this setup for Opcache, in the Addtional Configuration of PHP Setting


Now explain the various param:

  • opcache.memory_consumption: default is 128 we increase the memory that opcache can use to 512
  • opcache.max_accelerated_files: number of file executed, set it to the max value
  • opcache.revalidate_freq: the frequency with which the scripts inserted in opcache are reworked, is the php script not change frequently you can increase this value that is in Second


I have found this two article many interesting
